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Disky & příslušenství

Obj. číslo Popis Ilustrace
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Wire wheels
F12MGA-36 Wire wheel 4 x 15“ chrome (48 spokes)
required quantities: A/R
F13MGA-36 Wire wheel 4 x 15“ painted (48 spokes)
required quantities: A/R
F6TR Wire wheel 4 1/2 x 15“ chrome (60 spokes)
required quantities: A/R
F7TR Wire wheel 4 1/2 x 15“ painted (60 spokes)
required quantities: A/R
F8TR Wire wheel 5 1/2 x 15“ chrome (72 spokes)
required quantities: A/R
F9TR Wire wheel 5 1/2 x 15“ painted (72 spokes)
required quantities: A/R
Conversion kit to wire wheels 1)
F1MGA Conversion kit incl. wire wheels 4”x 15” chrome 90105
required quantities: 1
F2MGA Conversion kit incl. wire wheels 4 1/2”x 15” chrome 90105
required quantities: 1
F3MGA Conversion kit incl. wire wheels 5 1/2”x 15” chrome 90105
required quantities: 1
F12MGR Wire wheel hub front lh 12tpi
required quantities: 1
F12MGL Wire wheel hub front rh 12tpi
required quantities: 1
F12AMGL Wire wheel hub rear lh 12tpi
required quantities: 1
F12AMGR Wire wheel hub rear rh 12tpi
required quantities: 1
Wire wheel Accessories 8tpi *
F10MGA Wire wheel hub set front suspension MGA to convert from steel to wire wheels when using F12TR.. 2)
required quantities: 1
F12TRR Wire wheel hub front/rear right hand 2) 90107
required quantities: 1
F12TRL Wire wheel hub front/rear left hand 2) 90107
required quantities: 1
F13TR Extension hub nut
required quantities: 16
F12SPTR Octagon wheel nut 8tpi right hand
required quantities: 1
F12SPTL Octagon wheel nut 8tpi left hand
required quantities: 1
F04AMGA-36 Octagon wheel nut 8tpi right hand -MG-logo
required quantities: 2
F05AMGA-36 Octagon wheel nut 8tpi left hand -MG-logo
required quantities: 2
F13SPTR 2-eared wheel nut 8tpi right hand
required quantities: 1
F13SPTL 2-eared wheel nut 8tpi left hand
required quantities: 1
F06AMGA-36 2-eared wheel nut 8tpi right hand -MG-logo
required quantities: 2
F07AMGA-36 2-eared wheel nut 8tpi left hand -MG-logo
required quantities: 2
F14SPTR 3-eared wheel nut 8tpi right hand
required quantities: 1
F14SPTL 3-eared wheel nut 8tpi left hand
required quantities: 1
Wire wheel Accessories 12tpi *
F18MGA-36 Octagon wheel nut 12tpi right hand
required quantities: 2
F18AMGA-36 Octagon wheel nut 12tpi right hand -MG-logo
required quantities: 2
F19MGA-36 Octagon wheel nut 12tpi left hand
required quantities: 2
F19AMGA-36 Octagon wheel nut 12tpi left hand -MG-logo
required quantities: 2
F20MGA-36 2-eared wheel nut 12tpi right hand -MG-logo
required quantities: 2
F21MGA-36 2-eared wheel nut 12tpi left hand -MG-logo
required quantities: 2
F22MGA-36 2-eared wheel nut 12tpi right hand
required quantities: 2
F23MGA-36 2-eared wheel nut 12tpi left hand
required quantities: 2
F24MGA-36 3-eared wheel nut 12tpi right hand
required quantities: 2
F25MGA-36 3-eared wheel nut 12tpi left hand
required quantities: 2
Minilite wheel
F54TR Minilite-style wheel 5 1/2 x 15“ centre lock
required quantities: A/R
F50TR Minilite-style wheel 5 1/2 x 15“
required quantities: A/R
F51VO Wheel nut „Minilite-style“ (wheel no. F50TR)
required quantities: 16
F13TR Wheel nut steel wheels
required quantities: 16
F15SPT Octagon wheel nut spanner
required quantities: 1
F17SPT Aluminium socket wheel, octagon wheel nut
required quantities: 1
F18SPT Socket wheel, 2-eared spinner
required quantities: 1
F19SPT Copper hide hammer
required quantities: 1
F15SPT Octagon wheel nut spanner
required quantities: 1
F15AH Wire wheel cleaning brush
required quantities: 1
F16AH Wire wheel spoke wrench
required quantities: 1
F16SPT Octagon wheel nut spanner brass
required quantities: 1
F30SPT Copper lubrification for splines, 90 g
required quantities: 1
F34MGA-36 Hub cap steel wheel
required quantities: 4

Convert your MGA from steel wheels to wire wheels, without changing the standard wheel hubs (just a easy bolt on)!
Conversion kit = 4x wire wheel + 4x hub, 4xcontinenal wheel nut, 16x extension hub nut, 1x wire ehel kit front suspension (no. F10MGA)
8tpi = MGA converted to wire wheels Convert your MGA from steel wheels to wire wheels, without changing the standard wheel hubs (just a easy bolt on)!
Cars equipped with front drum brakes
12tpi = all MGA original equiped with wire wheels